Interconnects matching

Hi audiophiles, looking to possibly upgrade my interconnects and I’d love to read your recommendations. All my gear is listed in my profile but here’s a summary:

Speaker cables: Zavfino OCC Nova (love them)

Power Cables: Acoustic Zen Tsunamis and Shunyata (love them)

Interconnects: Chord Crimson and Cobra (looking to upgrade)

The interconnects have served me well for 10+ years but it’s time to upgrade, and I’m thinking OCC copper.

Budget is about $200 for each pair, 1-2 meters long.

Need RCAs x 3 + USB A-B digital streaming.

Naturally, I’m looking for the same brand for all three.

Thank you in advance,





Naturally, I’m looking for the same brand for all three.

Naturally? Why? I could see this being the case only for buying more of one already known to be good and what you like. To buy three unknown all at once seems a good way only of tripling risk.

Even though you know you love your Zavfino speaker cables that is no guarantee you will love their interconnects. I always take components one thing at a time. 

Seems to be a trend now to have LOOMS.

All wires and cables in one brand.

I do this because I am OCD.

I believe you should give the Zavfino interconnects a try. Specifically the Fusion.

@teh_chucksta - Definitively a +1 for the Zavfino

Especially if you go with their UP-OCC copper (as a minimum).

UP-OCC copper is more articulate than the other coppers (e.g. OFC) used by many brands.

This translates to improved details, clarity and image

But take a look at this thread - there are members that will make them for you


Good luck with your quest - Steve


Once a hot topic, Gabriel Golds are very good and I believe the maker has a few demo pairs up that will fit in your budget.  Check the search box for old threads with high praise.