Choosing the right equipment

Hi Everyone, thank you for coming to my discussion. I am looking for help to create a system around a pair of Dunlavy 5. My father had to sell all his equipment to help out with my college so my sister and I are looking to create an inexpensive system just so he has something to use while we get back on our feet. I know he liked using records so I assume he needs a turn table. Any help would be appreciated as you can probably tell my knowledge is sub par. Thank you again


She is out of college. Were not looking to spend to much due to just starting our "Adult lives" aka just out of college so we need to save money. We were hoping we could put something together for like a thousand or less. Just so he could listen to his favorite albums again in the mean time while we save to help him get his dream system. I know that's a tall order but we are trying our best!

@tubebuffer ,

Leave his sister alone!

You have enough in your plate with the wife, her sister and the maid.


I think looking at used is definitely the way to go. Perhaps an integrated amp from NAD,Cambridge Audio,or Marantz with a MM phono stage built in. There are a ton of lower priced speakers on the market,Elac,PSB,Paradigm,just for an example. Turntables,ProJect makes some decent lower price offerings. There are more. Some folks might recommend vintage,which is fine. But remember,eventually old stuff wears out. 

      It’s wonderful thing you and your sister are doing for your dad. Kudos to you!