APL Esoteric X-01

Anyone had their Esoteric X-01 redesigned by Alex at APL. Design 1 or design 2.5?
If so what are your impressions?
Thanks, Greg
David, I should be getting my NWO 2.5 later this week, I know you live by me, if you wanna check it out, let me know. Alex is working on accwepting digital inputs as I type. Should be ready in the next month, or so, after it is complete, I will be sending mine for the upgrade.
Deshapiro, there are number of NWO-2.5 players with the digital input (coax S/PDIF up to 192/24) so this option is available now.

The two other options which will be available in a month or so are Wi-Fi (wireless audio stream from PC) based on re-designed Squeezebox and Analog input.

Do you mean to compare between NWO-2.5 and Analogue? Was NWO directly hooked up to the power amps without passing through the pre?
Alex, why don't you put the digital input n mine, so David can try it?

I knew this is coming... :-)

Ok, I will, although I don't really see what other digital source would outperform the Esoteric VRDS-NEO transport in the NWO-2.5. :-)

May be Deshapiro can tell us what he has in mind?
