I’m running a C45 and a Cary V12R just because I’m to lazy to hook up a tube preamp. My C2500 needed a channel repair so I just moved the cabling down and hooked up the analog HT unit.. It’s not a tube preamp. Funny part is most people can’t tell the difference unless I say, I'm running a SS preamp. I have a few SS Macs preamps. A C45 and MX120 both have great sounding SS stereo setups. Mac has always had a pleasing SS preamp, to me. SS Mac power amps.. Different story.. No idea why, syrup comes to mind though, with small planars and ribbon drivers. It's been 20+ years maybe they changed.. :-) or not..
I use to use Krell for HT way back too. They had a great 2 channel stereo with volume control for the subs. Still the best remote I’ve ever seen. It’s a class A preamp too. With Mac tube power amps.. pretty impressive combo... It would also let me bypass the Krell and run a MX110 phono section, or tuner. Not as many vinyl users 30 years ago, like today or 50 years ago. There was a gap with 4/8 track, Cassette and CD media. I used RtR back then too..