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I think I may be the only one here who spend more on cables than the equipment. I paid more for the power cord than the DAC that’s connected to it. Yes, the power cord is more expensive than the DAC in my main system.

My amp costs a lot more so the power cord for it costs less. Interconnects and speaker cables excluded. The total cost of cables in the main system is approximately 40% the cost of the whole system.

Guilty as charged, I have overspent on cables.

I suggest to the ones who haven’t done it yet, to read the excellent Jeff Day’s  chronicles about the Western electric kind of replicas, made on the same criteria’s (tinned copper, same diam, etc…, but without plastic isolant), by Mr Duelund.

Believe it or not but read it, it can complete ones audiophile’s knowledge.

For my part I replaced my expensive Italian speakers cables by his DCA 16 GA with no regrets nor frustration.

Also for the power cables, some 14AWG Ching Chen cables are on some Uber expensive systems. I have 2 on my power amps, for a few dollars, they are like ghost cables, I mean you don’t hear them and that’s good. 

Ok that’s me and my system but I am Very satisfied.