A little late perhaps but here is how you do it.
Notice the last few pictures are the crossover upgrade. The last one is annotated with measured values and the wires that attach. There are also pictures of the original xo that I didn't post but are the same, multiple pictures including one annotated with all values and connections. Also in addition to this the parts were physically labeled, both the wires inside the speaker and on the boards. All the wiring is point to point and every part on the original was measured individually. This is how you do it when you want everything to work right the first time.
If you take real clear pictures from different angles showing clearly all the solder joints we might still be able to figure this out. That is your best bet, because no manufacturer is going to do anything but sell you another crossover, and probably not even that. If you were making speakers and a customer called saying he screwed it up would you trust him to not screw up installing the replacement? I wouldn't. So figure it out and fix it.
If there is a circuit board then clear pictures of both sides. Circuit board traces are pretty thin, it is real easy to burn one out if you're not skilled at soldering.