Legacy Audio Aeris vs "V"

I am curious if anyone has upgraded from the Aeris to the V. I have been considering it but I am also wondering how much of a difference there is between the two. The V requires another 2 channels of amplification so there is another expense on top of the speaker upgrade. I would welcome any opinions.


Could you expand on that just a bit? I've heard that Aeris- HT Whisper-Music and V-music?


Yes, I am familiar with your reviews. The one on the V was quite long, detailed and informative. I mean that as a compliment. I have also read the review on TAS. Of course I did my due diligence on the Aeris before I bought them and I must say they are everything and more that I was expecting. At the same time, I feel they are a very much improved Focus speaker and was thinking that the V's would provide more of the musicality and sound stage that the Whispers are said to provide.
Thank you both for your feedback.....
I had the pleasure of hearing the V's in a SOTA system and room a few years ago. Absolutely stunning.

I went from the Aeris with REL G2 Subs to the V System about 9 months ago. The V System is in another zip code compared to the Aeris set up (not bashing Aeris as it is a fantastic speaker). 

The soundstage width and depth is dramatically improved with the V system along with an effortlessness in the midrange. It also has that bloom on piano and keyboards that separate good speakers from great ones. 

The bass is clean and tight like all Legacy speakers and is easily dialed in and is just more powerful than Aeris .The new iV amplifiers are a great match for the V system as well and are an excellent value. I use a pair of stereo units and would not change a thing. 

If you have the room and the $$ to upgrade I wholeheartedly recommend the upgrade. 






traction143    Thank you for your informative description as that type of feedback from an owner of both speakers is very informative. Since I posted this question I have moved to a lake house with a slightly larger room than I had before. I wanted to hear how the Aeris sounded here before more seriously considering upgrading. After trying different amps with these speakers, I ended up purchasing Pass Labs x260.8 mono blocks. The difference in sound was striking compared to the other amps and  are a great match for these speakers. I am thinking of taking a trip to Legacy in the near future to audition the V's and to compare them to the Aeris before making up my mind. 

I'm glad you're happy with the Pass amps, a good product.

For others in a similar position, I would strongly recommend also auditioning Coda amps. Legacy originally voiced their speakers with Coda amps (rebranded for Legacy) before they moved to their current line of class D amps.

For those that have made the comparison, Coda provides slightly better sound quality than Pass at a lower price. Or course, Pass does a great job marketing unlike Coda who does no marketing at all. Those marketing costs are passed on to the consumer.

Based on personal experience, IMHO, Legacy is by far the best value in USA made speakers.