Voltage conversion of Accuphase E-650

Does anyone know how to convert voltage of Accuphase E-650 100v to 110/120v? Or does anyone provide information on voltage conversion table of Accuphase E-650?

@imhififan My amp is E-600 (not E-650 as others’ in this thread). I am trying to convert the voltage from 100V to 120V.

Could you check the 3 pictures below and advise where these K connectors need to be moved?


Many thanks!




To convert the voltage from 100V to 120V, Move K3 to K5 and K4 to K6 position.

Voltage conversion on E-600, E-650 and E-800 basically similar, first row of connections for 100V, second row for 120V and third row for 220/240V.

For 100V and 120V mains, soft start resistors jumpers and fuse value remain the same.

For 220/240V mains,disconnect jumper J1 and J3, install jumper wire on J2, change fuse accordingly.

Accuphase design those built in power transformer for worldwide voltage, I don't think voltage conversion will affect sound quality.

I hope I've answered your questions. 

@imhififan I really appreciate your sharing! This doesn't only help me but also those who have the same need in the future. 

Your answers address more than what I have asked!

I have another question though, after desoldering K3 to K5, do I need to fill the empty holes in K3 and K5 with lead or they are ok to be empty?

@imhififan I'm sorry for my typo, please ignore my previous questions. What I meant is: after desoldering K3 to K5, K4 to K6, do I need to fill the empty holes in K3 and K4 with lead or they are ok to be empty?

Yes, Fill the empty holes in K3 and K4, it will increase the mechanical strength of the PCB especially holes with through hole plating. 

Hope this helps