Omega Speakers Turnaround Time


Anyone else waiting on Omega speakers for a long time now? I ordered a pair in May and was originally given a two month turnaround but it's been almost six months now and no clear ETA and anytime I reach out it apparently just gets repeatedly pushed back a few weeks or a month. No problem waiting as I have been for a while now and I understand there are some supply chain issues with drivers but find it a little strange that the ETA just keeps getting pushed back with no explanation. Just wanted to see if anyone else is having this same experience.


I keep getting Facebook updates from Omega every week offering new speakers for sale.  Did you order something out of the ordinary (Custom)?

@toudou   If you are thinking of purchasing a pair I can tell you that Louis is is fully trustworthy but he is slow.  Expect a wait.  My pair took a couple of months longer than quoted--but they were worth the wait.  He did a beautiful job on a custom veneer that was gorgeous and matched my SET amp's cabinet.