McCormack DNA-500

Is the DNA-500 rather warm sounding or is it qualified as neutral and very detailed. I am leery of harsh high frequencies.

Thank you.
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Awhile back I switched from a Levinson 331 amp to a DNA-500 and it was a huge improvement across the board. I've got Aerial 10T speakers so the additional power of the McCormack really made the 10Ts sing. As Tvad stated... very neutral and very balanced. I found the bass to actually tighten up and deepen -- not heavy at all in my system. But, I think the biggest improvement wrought by the DNA-500 is transient response. Initial pluck of a string, a piano note, or a snare drum rimshot are just far more lifelike.
Interesting and thank you for your responses. The reason for my worries is that I tried a Conrad-Johnson Premier 350 (I currently own a CJ MF2500)and I found the upper frequencies to be fatiguing.
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