Interesting and thank you for your responses. The reason for my worries is that I tried a Conrad-Johnson Premier 350 (I currently own a CJ MF2500)and I found the upper frequencies to be fatiguing.
I'm not sure I would call the DNA 500 warm sounding but its not cold or clinical sounding either. I really enjoyed mine. It had great control and still sounded musical. I found the 500 to be very responsive to power cords. Every cord I tried made a difference. My personal favorite was a PAD Dominus.
If you find the Conrad Johnson fatiguing you got problems. That is the finest solid state amp on the planet. The Conrad 350 is a much better amp than the Mccormack DNA-500. Good Luck....
I agree that if the CJ350 didn't do it for you, neither will the DNA-500. Did you try the CJ in your system? What are your components & cables? I know my DNA-500 easily conveys upstream changes so I suspect the culprit is likely hiding there.
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