Do have anyone to purchase Audio Research REF 75SE in 2021?

Ref 75se has go off from their official website,and they are replaced by REF 80S. As  I do not have any  experience of 80S and I get some knowledge of pass labs online and how good it is,then  go listening  x250 and xp10. The listening  feeling I got is just water,pure water and lack of texture of the sound. so I go back Audio research and buy ref 75se instead. 
Am I made the right choice?
Is that the good time to buy this discontinued products?
Why in my listening, Audio research Ref 75se is much much better then X250? As I feel the singer is just standing  in front of me when we run Ref 75se.
I welcome any comments. As I think pass lab is a good SS Amp if we do not compared with Audio reserach Ref 75se.
Is it unfair to compare tube and SS Amp?



interesting. Which Pass .8 amp are you

using as an ampstand and how would

you describe the difference between 

the two amps?


is true about move from SS to tube is bringing you to close live music.

me too have feel that motion .

own some Pass and then move to tube gear like AR and stay that way .

now use Japan made Air Tight set that satisfied me .

enjoy your tube gear 👍




nelson pass' amps can sound rather different from each other, based on version, power level, and topology... can’t lump them all together in my experience - different models give you something but you give up other things

arc ref 75 is definitely a special amp... se running kt150’s are an improvement in some applications, not others, as tube amps and their interface with specific speakers matters much in how the pairing sounds at end of day - once again, depending on the system and taste of the listener, the right pass amp can please as well or better than a ref 75 -- what we are dealing with here are absolutely top notch examples of products of their specific type

(i have both pass xa25/fw f5t as well as ref 75)

The Ref75SE doesn’t sound SS at all. It’s very musically convincing unlike former ARC products. 


A Pass 150.8.  It was plenty of power for my speakers (both the Thiel 2.4s and the Magnepan 20.7s) but the ARC amplifier just added tremendous refinement and delicacy and speed -- yes speed -- there is simply no comparison.  The ARC GS-150 is a great amplifier.  Of course it IS always about the amplifier speaker combo and perhaps the Pass matches some speakers better than others but the vast improvement with the ARC product for me was astonishing.