The New Synergistic Research Purple Fuses

This thread is intended for those who are actually using the new SR Purple Fuses. In my system, they are a significant improvement over the SR Orange fuses. What are your impressions? 

Post removed 


Through the process of elimination first, I’ll likely answer some of my questions I seek before hand. I’ll send a straightforward PM.



Ted's been doing this more than 30 years. Doing it so uncommonly well one of his very first products the AC Master Coupler is still around and selling for good money in the used market even after 30 years. He's been so prodigiously productive with new ideas and products that one of his customers few complaints is they want to upgrade to the new stuff so often. Now he posts a few times, and this to you means he is hard up for ideas- and you are gonna deny him your invaluable expertise.

This may be the end. How will he ever recover? Oh well Ted it was fun while it lasted, eh?


I posted recently saying I was awaiting two more purple fuses, and then went on to describe what I was hearing with the one that I had. I got a notification it had been deleted by a moderator.


Content may be removed for one or more of these reasons:

  • It looked like spam
  • It was abusive towards another member
  • It depicts explicit and/or violent content
  • It contains profanity


I can’t see how how my post met any of these criteria for being removed??? There was absolutely nothing in my post that violated the last three. As for the the first one “It looks like spam”, my post was completely on topic and relevant to the thread. It was certainly not trying to promote or sell male enhancement products, or anything else😉