Rose RS250 Streamer/Dac?

Hi--have any of you had any experience with the new Rose RS250 Streamer/Dac? Looks cool, but how does it sound?

Guy’s and their gadgets...

Streaming is strictly for background noise in my house. I have a great DAC in my Bel Canto DAC 2.7 and it is fed by my Bel Canto CD3t, streaming is the new Node 2.

I am intrigued with the RS250 and 150 and will consider if I ever retire my BC gear but I doubt that will be anytime soon.

Thanks for the reviews.

Thegm, since you already have the rs250, could you describe how does the rosetube work?   Can you surf anything in rosetube and display it on the screen exactly like youtube?

I plan to connect an external monitor on the DAC if we could watch other things than listening music on rosetube...

I just received my 250.   Looking forward to seeing how it performs.

On paper this looks like a wonderful streamer/DAC.   I'm replacing an Evo 150 (had problems with two units and the screen randomly locking up).  Over the last couple of years had the NT-505, M10, C658 and Bluesound as previous front end devices.

Using Roon and stream with Qobuz....

Hi mbolek,

i am using mine as well for a week now and enjoy it.  Have you tried Tidal application in the rs250?   It looks like the tidal app in the rs250 does not recognize my existing playlists already stored in Tidal connect with my cell ?

 AddingTidal tunes into personnal playlist is not clear in the rs250.  I have to work on it and find a way..

Spotify connect is not and issue since it is not available in the rs250 list of application..
