Cardas Clear or AudioQuest Carbon USB cable

I'm using a short Cardas Clear USB cable from a Mac Mini to an Ayre QB-DSD DAC for Roon,  The DAC displays bit rates up to 192.  Would an Audioquest Carbon cable be better? 

Ag insider logo xs@2xdbphd

I have the CARDAS CLEAR USB between my BRYSTON digital player and BRYSTON DAC. It bested the both the high-end AQ’s and also my incumbent NORDOST in MY system (emphasis added)

I was an all-NORDOST FREY loom fan and was quite happy with it, until I first auditioned CARDAS CLEAR interconnects . That led to CC digital SPIDIF (BluRay) and USB digital cables in turn sequential upgrades in my system. CC Speaker cables are contemplated in the new year as a new CC fan to complete the loom.

It’s impossible to conclude without a direct bespoke bakeoff. The CC USB cable is all copper that tamed that “digital edge” ahead of the NORDOST, the AQ, and also the AQ Diamond.


I've used both and settled on the Cardas. IMO, the Cardas is a little smoother and more musical and the AQ is a little more incisive and dynamic at the fringes. Like everything else, though, YMMV.


Thanks, guys.  I'll stick with the Cardas Clear.  The other interconnects are Cardas Clears.