I’m curious how you attribute an aspect like soundstage depth to a DAC, in context of the uniqueness of various systems, the rooms these systems are in, the listener positions, and the use / lack of use of room treatment (for the purchasing party)?
I’m not challenging...just trying to understand and learn.
am sure scott will answer, but my 2 cents, my own process:
- have my system set up ideally in my room (see my system page for pics)
- have my standard ’reference’ dac in place, know how music i know well sounds, how the soundstage is presented, in terms of size (width, height, depth) and separation / layering / relative distance of voices/instruments etc
- swap in new dac being evaluated, adjust for correct (same) volume level, listen and perceive how the sonic ’image’ is presented differently, if at all (don’t change anything else, even cabling)
- btw - having a well selected playlist of familiar music helps alot in this...
hope that helps