Do have anyone to purchase Audio Research REF 75SE in 2021?

Ref 75se has go off from their official website,and they are replaced by REF 80S. As  I do not have any  experience of 80S and I get some knowledge of pass labs online and how good it is,then  go listening  x250 and xp10. The listening  feeling I got is just water,pure water and lack of texture of the sound. so I go back Audio research and buy ref 75se instead. 
Am I made the right choice?
Is that the good time to buy this discontinued products?
Why in my listening, Audio research Ref 75se is much much better then X250? As I feel the singer is just standing  in front of me when we run Ref 75se.
I welcome any comments. As I think pass lab is a good SS Amp if we do not compared with Audio reserach Ref 75se.
Is it unfair to compare tube and SS Amp?

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That’s interesting as Pass amps are

known for being a great match with


Jim Smith wrote:

” Having worked at Magnepan, I still have some friends there. I know for a fact that some folks at Magnepan think that this X series - including the 260.8 & 350.8 - may be the best sounding amps that they have heard with their speakers. Of course, ymmv - but I doubt it.”

maggies need a lovely, pure sounding amp feed, and a lot current, to deliver the sound they are capable of

pass amps deliver both, as do hegels (among other top ss amps)

@swede58 I’ve spoken to -- I forget his name but he’s mentioned here frequently -- at Pass re whether the 150.8 was "enough" power to drive the 20.7s. I also talked to them back in 2019 at Axpona at the Pass exhibit. I listen to mostly classical and jazz. With the 150.8 the "needle" on the amp’s meter does move but most of the time just barely and occasionally on orchestral peaks it might move to 1 o’clock. Since the needle is moving, the 150.8 is clearly cycling from class A into class AB. That may be the problem. But Pass told me at Audiogon that the .8 series amp clip only at 3 or 4 o’clock so the amp is still coasting along. But once I put the ARC GS 150 in the system there was simply no question that it was better. I go to about 20 Atlanta Symphony Orchestra concerts every year. When I travel (which hasn’t been much recently) I usually like to take in classical music. I KNOW what live orchestral music sounds like. The ARC has the Pass beat but I haven't heard the 260.8 monoblocks or the 350.8 or the XA series.