SET Shootout China VS The USA

2A3 SET from china arrives any day now.

The tech who loaned me his UX250 (aka 50 Tube) amp, with a  12AU7 in front + a  6BH7 (??) , has incredible pure Cobalt out trans. ($1k+ each back in 2000, now no longer in production). . he will help me set up the  2A3. 

Has a  AX+AU my 2 fav front tubes anda   quad of 2A3's. 

My speakers are pure neutrality, no coloration, no distortion,. 

So whatever amp/ source you plug in, will register the nuances inherent in the circuit.

Will be very interesting. 

USA has pure cobalt out trans which gives the edge in power, but the china 2A3 has a 2 tubes per channel.

Gonna be interesting and will post a  YT upload with comments,


Hand on to your horses at the OK Corral. 

Grab a  beer at the saloon, 

sundown shootout at the edge of town. 



The 6C33C-B tube, when someone includes an amp using this bottle, THEN you will have my undivided attention, hah.  Sorry all, I’m just a parrot!  :)

All of the (your) Youtube videos you have linked here sound awful to me,


I can;’t help that.

Thats your problem, not my speakers problem

"I have paneling come out basement of lake house if you look for more cabinet material."

That may come in handy tubebuffer, kind offer!

By the way mozartfan, it's spelled tympani. And you say that you're a classical music fan? Shame.

unscrew the bottom let’s see what’s inside , I have had upgrades to tube gear many times ,most use cheap parts unless spending well over $5 k ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ My tech here, and many other techs as well, believe a cap is a cap is a cap, I’ve proven this to be true in certain uses, and not true at all in other, Take my Jadis Defy 7, each KT88 has a .47 cap attached.. I took out Jadis’s small yellow stock .47 cap and instaalled Mundorf .47 SESGO, bass response registered in a very nice nuance gain. The bass is punchy and solid. Mids also made a small gain. Takman Rey resistors made a minisclue up gain. All the mods/upgardes I’ve made, all togther made for a nice upgrade,~~~

. Upgrade to my xovers in my speakers was a total waste of money.

FR speakers offer a superior soundstage. So again , upgrades, mods have to be carefully considered.

My once beloved Seas Thor speakers (same drivers as Joseph Audio’s $12000 speakers) are now dis-manteled...

, midwoofers sold,

tweeters gave away,

xovers up for sale,

cabinets went out today for the trash.

Adios xover style speakers forever,,,

YOU, too should make the switch.

The 6C33C-B tube, when someone includes an amp using this bottle, THEN you will have my undivided attention, hah. Sorry all, I’m just a parrot! :) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Well this tube ain't too shabby either.