Sonus Faber Lumina V impressions? and which amp?

Good Day All,

I'm considering these speakers for a secondary two channel streaming system, can anybody detail their impressions if they have heard them?

I'll also need an integrated amp sub 2k-ish, was considering Hegel H95, NAD c700, Naim Unity and the newest version of the Bluesound Powernode


If could get a steal of a deal on a used amp I would consider that option combined with a Bluesound Node, some of the amps that come up for sale used often around me at good prices include Anthem 225, older Simaudio Moon stuff, and lots of different Music  Fidelity pieces

as a final option, new Nait5si or Parasound 200





thanks alot, the value prop seems high, 3600.00 CAD at the moment over here

have a feeling the price will go up sooner than later as we've seen a ton of increases here recently on  audio gear

the MICHI amp looks awesome, I believe that went up in price also, great one box solution, obviously beyond my price point at the moment




Yeah, I'm afraid SF made the Lumina V TOO good and they will be tempted to raise the price.  Otherwise, it may cannibalize too much of their Sonetto sales.

Luminas arrvied, currently ABing them against Forte IV's (traded up from Heresys)

Surprisingly, these two speakers of vastly different designs sound more alike than different

I need to find a way to AB from my listening position with some type of speaker selector, currently using Luxman R113 connected to both sets