New polling request...
"What qualifies as a butt-kicking?"
The stage is set:
1 challenge with 3 samples taken as a whole.
Do these combined results qualify as a "Butt-kicking"?
Interested readers want to know?
The data:
presentation 1: 45-55% -- 20% more for mystery amp
presentation 2: 41-59% -- 45% more for mystery amp
presentation 3: 37-63% --70% more for mystery amp
My vote (and let's all assume...! Krens vote): BUTT-KICKING.
Put another way: If you were going to Vegas and playing a game where the long term stats in a game, which side would you bet on and would you play that game a lot? Would you play any other game!??? Would you bet on the Rouge???: BUTT-KICKING.
Anyone else want to weigh in? Viber thinks Kren and I are outliers on this matter? How do all of you feel?
Are any of you looking to trade in your high dollar amps for Rouge?
my prediction...: BUTT-KICKING
Viber, As we have privately discussed. Your preferences are your own: not right or wrong. But your preferences are in the strong minority, at least for people on this thread. I suspect people that read this thread are less interested in good sounding budget products like the Rouge and--likely--the AHB2. I think more of us are interested in fantastic SOTA prducts, regardless of whether or not we will be able to ever afford them. There are dozens of places to read about good sounding budget equipment. Very few places to read about high end pieces where the reviewers are not beholden to ad revenue or retailer biases (i.e. I like what I sell...).
One David vs. Goliath challenge was fun. David got crushed. None of his stone found it's mark. I want to see Goliath vs. Goliath! I suspect I am not in the minority of this threads readers.
Let's add a wager to the results: If the readers of this thread deem the Rouge shootout as a Butt-Kicking then Viber has to restrict his posts to 1 per week for the next 6 months. If the readers don't agree to Butt-Kicking then Kren and I have to restrict our posts to no more than 1 per week for the next 6 months.
Starting score: Rouge didn't get it's Butt Kicked: 1 BUTT-KICKING: 2