Vandersteens-- Removing M5-HPs for a Digital Xover?

Hi. Quick survey of people that have removed the M5-HP when using a processor/preamp that can do the Xover internally and how much of a sonic difference there was. I guess there is just something comforting about having the physical Xover in-line when the manual (I have Quatros) talks of all the driver damage that will occur if they are used without a Xover. I just upgraded my pre/pro to a Theta Casablanca that can do it internally. I would assume that there would be some kind of difference due to eliminating the parts inside the M5 and the electric change of having dissimilar metals between my interconnects and the pigtails of the M5s. I know that hearing it is the only proof but wanted to see others’ opinions. Thanks.


Second night of listening.  Definitely a little clearer and better defined.  Slight bump in midrange, which I like.  Less bass (maybe 1.5dB), but I just bumped up my levels.  Bass is crisper, too--kick drums and such--so it's wasn't just the treble tilt before I bumped the bass up.  There's a little more air and three-dimensionality.

To wax poetic about the Quatros for a minute, man, they are fabulous speakers.  The thing that I love about them is that they produce what you give them.  Every tweak/change is to your system is heard.  I've listened to a lot of high-end brands and have been impressed more recently by the revised Aerial 7T (or maybe it was 6T) and the new Revel Be line (I want to hear the Paradigm Be stuff now), but the Vandersteens just always sound so RIGHT.  So real.  I still haven't heard the CTs, but I am happy with these in a dual-use system for now.  Maybe someday if I break it apart and have an even nicer dedicated two-channel system, I would get a second pair in CTs or Kentos/5A CTs, but it would have to be a deal.  Quatros are definitely the price/performance sweet spot, IMO.

Since @holmz had brought up their surround performance, too, I will just reiterate how much I love them for surround, too.  I have a VCC-Sig for a center (want a 5.  I used to see them used all the time but now never do!) and standard VSMs for rears.  I added a VSW recently for the .1 output in addition to the Quatros running full range for the fronts and was messing with it some last night, too.  I had to reconfigure something in the Theta to make it work on the right port and finally did.  I was demoing it all again with one of the few but favorite test discs for sound that I own--Sin City (and it kicks ass), and just wow.  I don't even have the BR version, just the DTS.  Everything is so precisely placed in space.  Of course the Casablanca is doing an awesome job to help things, but the Vandersteens just again make everything seems so realistic.

Anyways...  My .02

@holmz --Congrats on the VCC-5.  I haven't been able to find one in black in some time.  Damage to the other drivers, not the sub.  It's in the manual.  Regarding the frequency and having a Xover, it's for any Vandersteen sub product (except the VSW, which is line level).  The Quatros and up with the subs built in and the separate subs.

My system is dual-use.  It's 5.1, but I do a lot of 2-channel listening on it.  I have been trying to build the best sounding surround system for 2-channel.  It does get a little confusing with the Xovers.  If using the digital Xover at 100Hz, I can't add a second (with what I have) filter to also limit it lower.  Can they ever have a HP applied, even with the M5s in place, and work correctly?  Idk.  I'm not concerned about the Quatros running frequencies too low, though.  I think they are -3 in the 20s, and stereo bass is awesome.  I did/do have to really think about the fact that they are always running full, I guess, since they build back what is taken out by the HP.  The processor is then also sending that to the LFE, though, so I'm kind of getting double the bass (at least from the front signals)?  


@holmz --Congrats on the VCC-5.  I haven't been able to find one in black in some time.

If I resock the VCC-5, I’ll save the sock for you.
I may also end up pulling the top and bottom of it, so I can shove it into a cabinet.

I actually started on the table for it, so the top is 1/2 done.


Please make sure that your Vandersteen High Pass Batteries are A up to date and B soldered in only by a professional, C make sure that you nailed the proper adjustments with the internal hi pass dip switches. As the series of dip switches to be set correctly is vital for performance.Please don’t just read the manual as many are wrong and in need of the following.

Play Track 27 Vandertones 1000 HZ voltmeter into left channels amp speakers binding post. Adjust Volt meter to AC Volts next adjust pre amp volume controls to see meter read 1 Volt AC then go to track 30 adjust the dip switches untill the meter reads .707 volts start all over again from track 27 until you nail it anything else is wrong. please don't forget to adjust both high passes to proper setting.

I would bet heavy once this is done you will easily hear its advantages.

Best JohnnyR

Once I got my Quatros dialed in, I tried using my OPPO BDP 105 for the high level crossover to eliminate the extra IC's, connections and the inline passive crossover but was ultimately disappointed.  The outboard inline crossovers provide much more in the way of musicality, soundstage depth and impact. I'll also echo that one needs to make sure the batteries are at full charge and to make sure to use the correct batteries specified.