Gallo 3.5 or Martin Logan Ethos?

I am in the market for a new set of speakers and have been considering the Martin Logan Ethos (used, would also consider the Vantage or the Spire). I have not heard the Ethos but I have heard the Spire, Vantage and the Theos (similar to the Ethos). I really like the wall to wall soundstage that the Logan's create. My only hesitation is that the "sweet spot" is somewhat limited. I have read that the Gallo's have an ESL "like" presentation with a wide sweet spot. Has anyone compared the 2 directly?

How would you describe the pros and cons of each?

I am coming from Klipsch RF-7s for a frame of reference.
Some people like the metallic transparency of electrostatic speakers, and some don't. Martins are not the best example of them either, but they can be had at reasonable prices on the used market.

Do you already have in mind to get one of these 2 speakers, or are you open to other offerings, because for the same money, there are other attractive buys...

Paradigm studio, Ushers, for example...

If I were you, I would audition more speakers and take your time in choosing speakers in this price range...There are some exciting ones out there...
I previously responded to your "Panel Sound" thread with these same comments. I have Gallo Ref 3.5's. I can give you some idea what they sound like by sharing my most recent experience with them.

I have been searching for reasonably priced solid stands for the Ref 3.5's. Many of these enhanced maple stands cost upwards of $1000.00, for common wood of all things. Searching the internet I discovered a material used in shooting ranges to stop large caliber high velocity bullets. I gave some thought to the high energy absorption required of such a material. I thought the characteristics required for that application could be easily transferrable for use as loudspeaker stands. The website is the following and the product is described in detail:

I ordered two blocks of vulcanized ballistic rubber. They measure ideally for the Ref 3.5 platform: 8" x 8" x 16" and are very heavy and solid at 41 pounds each. They arrived yesterday.

I would never have believed such a dramatic transformation in the sound of these speakers. The overall impact is tremendous. The resultant bass is the equivalent of adding two high quality subwoofers without the expense and complexity. The bass is not only fuller and deeper but has greater layers of detail and tone color. There is more range and nuance. The mid and high frequencies likewise have a three dimensional quality with subtle cues previously masked by the lower profile of the speakers directly on the floor. Horns are not anemic sounding but very full with the appropriately realistic sound pressure levels. You can hear the individual notes on each string of a guitar. What especially amazes me is it seems I have gained more efficiency. The Ref 3.5's play louder at the same volume setting I previously used. The soundstage is much wider and deeper with the instrumentalists moving farther into the room without a loss of depth of field. Also, overall clarity is substantially improved and the experience seems cleaner overall.

These loudspeakers absolutely need to be raised at least 8 inches off the floor. The tweeters are now at my seated ear level, 8 inches higher than stock. I previously had them slightly toed in but this is no longer necessary. I moved them about 6 inches closer to the center line and pointed straight ahead. They are positioned 10 feet apart and i sit about 12 feet away with the woofers facing each other.

There are two minor cautions. These blocks are priced at $41.00 each but the UPS ground shipping is costly due to the total 82 pound weight, or about $1.00 per pound. They are made of vulcanized rubber and have a pronounced oily rubber smell prevailing in the room when you first take them out of the box. I helped to disperse this by leaving the window and door open all day with only the fan on the HVAC operating (my dedicated room has its own HVAC).

This is the best $158.00 I have ever spent. Seriously, this is like getting an entirely new music library and loudspeakers at once without spending exorbitant amounts of money on high end audiophile approved products.

These are now the best speakers that i have ever owned. Better than the ADS 810's, the 1590's, the PMC's or the Avalon Eidolons. Now that I have the room tuned in properly I know I am absolutely correct on the sound of these Ref 3.5's.

I hope this helps some in your decision.
I have heard lots of favorable reviews of the gallos but not a direct comparison to Logan's. Anyone heard both?
I heard both, and all I can say is, it depends on the musical style, and your subjective style of presentation you like.

Sorry, I am not much help, but I for one is into opera, so I would go with Gallo, but if I were listening to Jazz, then may be the Logans hypnotic transparency might win me over...

The Gallos have a slight artificial quality to them though - I want to warn you, for those who are sensitive to color tonal accuracy...

...but over all, both can be exciting offrings with the right kind of music, and listener...
i listen to rock, folk, singer-songwriter, jam bands, indie, i like the openness of Logan's and the feeling that the speakers disappear. I have read the Gallo's are excellent in this regard but have never heard them. The ML forum has lots of good info on Logan's but very little on the Gallos.