Thiel CS6

How would you rate these speakers now?
Please let me know.

Hi Steve,

Thanks for the advice.I have two questions to ask you.Do you know what year the front baffle was changed from using Concrete to the other baffle material? And was there any other improvements made on the CS6's between 1997-2003?
This is in regards to the Stereophile Reviews 1998 & 2003.
Steve and Tony I finally got the right placement of the Thiel's. 9' feet to center. They do sound better in my room toed in a tadd. Still not on spikes yet. I'm thinking of placing a 1/4" of granite 17" X 23" first, then installing the spikes.The hardwood floors are beautiful but a pain to get the right levels. They do sound incredible.
When you get the spikes on, be sure to level them carefully so as to ensure that the sides are parallel to one another and that they don't rock in any dimension. Obvious perhaps but you will find that mm adjustments matter with these babies. When all is well and dialed in, they will sonically disappear and the music will float in room disembodied from them.
Hi Steve, The Eggleston Speakers was easier to do because of the size. But they do weight 170 lbs each too. I will have someone for sure helping me. Thanks again.
I would rate the Thiel's on a 1 to 10 scale?

Very close to a 9. Sure glad that I found these gems.