Thiel CS6

How would you rate these speakers now?
Please let me know.

Chicargospec, one thread answered with an inaccurate overstatement, followed by two personal attacks. Welcome aboard. Perhaps I may suggest you consider reading Dale Carnegie's book.
Tonywinsc, as you've already posted, human hearing reaches down to 20 Hz, and there are some instruments that that can be heard as well as felt below 27 Hz. Granted many are not too common, though the Bosendorfer grand and such pipe organs aren't all that unusual, and I have heard some of the above linked contra instruments. Most western music is written with the idea that the first octave begins at 16 Hz. For the sake of accuracy, I stand by my earlier posts.
As a practical matter any loudspeaker with a flat in room response below 30Hz is full range.
"Most western music is written with the idea that the first octave begins at 16 Hz."

Not really.
Tonywinsc, I stand corrected. Thank you for clarifying that. Subsubcontra begins at 13.75 Hz. I was incorrect in extrapolating that early organs rarely played below 16 Hz.