Ayre VX-5 Twenty vs. Pass X 250.8

Hello. I´m in the market for either the above mentionned Ayre or the Pass stereo power amp. Does anyone ever compared both power amps (or their bigger siblings VX-R Twenty and X 350.8) ?

As a front end I use the brand new Ayon CD-35 Signature version acting as a CD/SACD/DAC/Tube Pre-amp. I as well have a Merging NADAC directly connected to my Asus Laptop. Speakers are TAD CE 1. All cabelling is upper line Siltech (Double Crown) or Nordost (Valhalla 2).

Thx for any usefull input from your side.


You did reach way back…. I had and greatly enjoyed an Ayre VX5/20 for three years.  You will need to feed it by balanced XLR cables from the pre for the design to be able to preform at its peak per Ayre and i agree based on experimentation.  I used a VAC Renaissance 5 pre with the Ayre.  

I had a VX-R Twenty for 4 years before upgrading to Vandersteen M7 amplifiers. The VXR is a fantastic amplifier and as stated will deliver with balanced inputs. I used an ARC REF5se with excellent results.


I did a search for threads on this comparison, and that was the most recent that matched. My local dealer carries Ayre, although isn’t stocking much any more. He just took in a vx5 twenty on trade for a D’Agostino, and hasn’t even received it yet, but suggested I give it a listen when he gets it end of the week. The 250.8 ‘seems’ to be what I’m aiming for based on reviews and forum threads, which is all I have to go on since there are no dealers around. Another possibility might be Coda, but the Pass has what seems to be a broader fan base. The processor only has balanced outputs, so I’d be using XLR. The dollars range, loosely, from $4-7K.