I am spending some time today figuring out which of my interconnects are damaged from my rearrangement of gear last night. So far 1 XLR (this brand is a PIA). Since I have everything out, I can do a test of DAC direct to the CODA #8 amp. I am streaming from TIDAL|Qobuz. I use a Sonore OpticalRendu for the stream. I have 15-foot Benchmark XLR from preamp to amp or 005 to amp. I have "better" or the PIA XLR's from the 005 to the preamps (3 feet).
Today, I have tried out 3 combos with the 005.I have only been playing Michael Kiwanuka - KWIANUKA album. Just because I cannot get enough of this album, especially the song, This Kind of Love.
1) CODA 07x + 005 + #8 = beautiful rich engaging sound. I am really drawn into this combo. The sound is good at all volume levels. Though there is a slight bit of hiss when you get your ear close to the tweeter. The combo gave me goose bumps on my fav song.
2) Benchmark LA4 + 005 + #8 = crystal clear sound, not as engaging as the 07x but I like this sound in a different way. No hiss at all on the tweeters. Great sound at all volume levels. I tend to use the LA4 when I listen to hard rock.
3) 005 + #8 = No hiss at all on tweeter. Sounds a lot like the LA4, maybe the same at moderate volume. At lower volume the sound does not scale down as well as the 07x and LA4. The volume is a little dangerous to use because of the confusing buttons. I had the volume a little too high at one point and could not quickly turn it down, so I killed the ROON stream.
The 005 direct to amp sounds rather good and likely sufficient for someone without a preamp. I will never use it this way because I am not a fan of the interface and I listen at low volume sometimes.