**the 2A3 PP is just 1 of many options, 1 circuit is not superior to any other..**
BALONEY. Just a simple one size fits all platitude.
The 2A3 PP is superior to any and all KT circuits.
If you run a KT88 UltraLinear, using an output transformer with the UL taps set up properly, you can get the same or better linearity out of that circuit that you get from a 2A3. If the taps aren't right neither will be the linearity so I am stressing that point. If the driver and voltage amplifier are then fully differential, the distortion without feedback will be dramatically lower than the 2A3 amp at nearly any power level.
You'll wind up with a more transparent, more musical distortion signature and therefore a more transparent, more musical amp with a lot more power.
Although I don't know of such an amp there may well be one out there (most I know of use textbook circuits from the 1950s); having been a manufacturer for over 47 years I'm really hesitant to make a blanket statement such as yours in the quote above- in a nutshell, its blatantly false.