Best speakers around $130k?



Just looking for ideas, folks.  Rail me if you want, but I’m not sure how that makes for “community”.  As for power and pre-, I am currently running Boulder 2060 and 2110.  

I really appreciate the productive comments so far.  Helping with me research. 

On the Alexxs (or any Wilson), I appreciate them.  In the end, they are a little too forward for my tastes and the look is not for me. 

to the OP…don’t let em get ya down…. Boulder is excellent gear as you know. Merry Christmas to you.

may you enjoy the fruits of your labor as YOU wish ;-)


Go! The Joke is on YOU hahahaha, No such thing as a great sounding 130k speaker,,, too funny.

If you don’t like the Alexx V, see if you can hear a pair of Alsyvox Botticellis with the external x-overs.Maybe even the Caravaggio model.

MBL 101 has already been mentioned. 

Borresen 01 both sounds great and looks great.