Best speakers around $130k?



You are either crazy, a multi millionaire, robbed a bank, and on top of all that, are not married, or have a very understanding wife....even if all this were the case, I would not be blowing 130k on a pair of speakers. Just think about it....let's see, the cabinet is either made of a wood product or metal, neither of which are That rare or expensive, the drivers are either metal, paper, or plastic, nothing wild there, and the crossovers are mafe from off the shelf parts... this all being true, what in He$$ would justify the cost?? Maybe I'm missing something. For that money, I could put a heck of an addition on my house. To each there own, and i don't care what you or anyone does, but personally I think it's nuts.


at that level, $100k or $130k are competitive.  

Raidho has speakers at that price.  I believe the TD3.8s are about that price and are a great speaker.  

Wilson Benesch is in process of replacing the Cardinal.  I don’t have timing for when that speaker will be introduced.  At the moment, there is nothing between the $75-$85k resolutions and the $250k eminence.  

there is the flagship Vivid Giya G1 Spirit but it is not quite in that price class at $86k.

I am certain Marten has something in that range, not sure about exact model.  

I am sure Borresen has a speaker in that price range.  I would guess Magico, YG and Rockport have something in that range.  Not sure about exact model.  MBL definitely should be in your considered set.  Kharma and Tidal/Vimberg might also have an entry.  I am not sure exact models and pricing

that should give you a good list of brands to explore.  I am certain there are other but this should give you an adequate selection.  

I am a Raidho, Vivid and Wilson Benesch dealer which is why I know more about them than the others. 





Oh…and two other.  Avantgarde definitely drifts up over $100k or very close with the Trios and you could also look at the Audiovector R11s.