CD Player Recommendations 5-8k range please help

Okay guys, looking for recommendations for CD players or trans/dac in the 5-8k range, new or used. My system: 380s Levinson preamp, 336 Levinson amp, B&W Diamond 801 speakers, Audioquest cables. I own and have been using the Levinson 390s cd player (very good all around, maybe lacking in detail?), and recently tried Ayre CX-7e (impressed, good detail and bottom end, but soundstage not as good?). Why am I upgrading? Made the mistake of buying a VPI Scoutmaster, Shelter 501 mk2 cart, and Sutherland PHD phono preamp. Mistake? Not really, the sound with good vinyl kills the cd players I have, but I do not have time for all that is required with analog. I sold the analog system, and am searching for that great sound from a cd player. Help! Any suggestions for me? Thank you in advance!

The link to Steve Herbelin's site and those specific interconnects is

The actual company is Awesound Audio, around Philadelphia. John told me that he knows Bill Ankenbrant, founder. Bill's been in the cable making business for years and has finally started up his own company. He makes other cables besides what Herbie sells.

The silver and gold cables are extremely fast and full, and supposedly the gold tames the silver and it's smooth.

My system is so neutral that I finally tried a pair of Nordost SPM Reference's. They were the fastest cables I've had in my system, but unnaturally thin in the bass, that's when I called John Pharo at The Cable Company. These silver and gold Awesound 'SuperSonic Synergy' were every bit as fast as the SPM's, but more full to the point that I never felt something was missing. Everything's there and natural sounding.

Thanks again guys...

Will try Audio Points, the fuse and different cables this week. Will reply back with my thoughts.
Corvette_tuner, definitely keep us posted. Tweaks work sometimes. I'd start with cables though.