Isoacoustics Orea vs Townshend Seismic Pod on Components

I installed a set of Isoacoustics Gaia 2s on my speakers about a month ago and was extremely pleased with them. I'm now curious about the Oreas.

My components are currently placed on a good rack with Finite Elemente Cerabase footers at the bottom of the rack. I was wondering if individual isolators such as the Orea or Seismic Pod placed under components can further improve sound quality. I've read contradictory comments about the Orea. Some say they brought an appreciable difference when placed under components such as DAC or amplifiers. Some say they bring nothing to the sound, zero difference.

I would appreciate experiences on the Isoacoustics Orea or the Townshend Seismic Pod, or the comparison between the two products. The Oreas look better than the Pods to me although the latter may be costlier.

I replaced BDR Cones under my rack with Pods. The improvement was easy to see. Not hear, see! My rack is 750lbs solid concrete and granite. Even so when I would walk up my weight would make it rock. On Cones it would rock very fast and a small amount that was hard to see. But my tone arm uses a weight on the end of fishing line for side bias. The weight swinging back and forth was a dead giveaway that the rack had moved.

Now on Pods it is a lot easier to see the rack sway. I'm sure it swings more now than before. But, and this is the important part, at a much lower frequency. Well below anything that matters. This is easy to see as the side bias weight almost never swings at all. So even though the whole rack moves it is moving way down below 4Hz - probably more like 1 or 2 Hz- which might as well be motionless. It is really mind blowing the way this huge massive rack can move so smooth and slow from even the slightest touch. Even the gentle pressure of putting the cue lever down will move it. I can also touch gently with a finger and stop it. Crazy!


MC-Actually I was tempted to say exactly that. Townshend Seismic Podiums are 4 times better? But I don’t know that for sure. There is a debate between active devices like the podiums and passive ones like SRA platforms, etc.

This video is what really sold me.

Is it just me, or is bolting equipment into a rack so that everything is physically attached in the tightest possible manner a really bad idea?

Yea, real bad idea. Probably the worst is to stack one on top of the other. 

An option I found works very well is to put the whole rack on Townshend Seismic Corners. The effect is substantial, and similar to isolating each component with 4 pods. Having done this then subsequently isolating individual components makes no difference.  So the cost saving is potentially substantial.

Prior to having done this I found the Townshend pods much better than the Isoacoustic Orea on components. To be honest the latter made no difference to the sound. The Gaia feet on the speakers on the other hand were transformative.