amplifier longevity

Is there any difference in longevity and or reliability between valve amps and solid state amps?

I thought that perhaps design differences between ss and tube amps  might  be a factor here.

Specifically I am considering the valve amps by Rogue Audio vs. the solid state amps by Luxman, both great brands in my opinion.




good answers… 1961 and going strong with a refresh and some modifications….

i wouldn’t worry about generalities but instead focus on a particular model that trusted audiophiles or service people have seen for years….when doing buying homework…..


What I have found as a general rule is that if you can afford it, it pays to buy quality. One characteristic of equipment that sells for premium prices is that it will have quality parts. Or rather, bargain products need to compromise on the quality of the parts. And when you really get into the high end, your dealing with equipment that's made by hand. 

I agree with quality setting you up for service time. I have a Cary Rocket 88 heating my man cave in Winter, and I’ll go to my Marantz 2226B in the warmer months. So far, my Klipsch Forte efficiency likes em both. Ears are happy!

One never hears one ask what the amp sounds Like

I’ve gone  through five amps this month

class d

class ab

class A

tube and SS

v v hard to tell difference 

major conclusion- it’s the quality of the recording!

that a mess