Think ill just go with a lumin

Starting out anew. reading all of the post into the wee evening hours, and getting more and more confused, I think I may just get a Lumin DAC/streamer combo. D2 or T2 i suppose, maybe an S1 if i can find one a little cheaper and I scrimp and save a little more.

My situation is rebuilding from scratch, so waiting for pieces to come together. Going with a Mac MA 352, and a pair of devore o96 speakers. Smallish room, just plan on streaming and putting a turntable onto the system, but nothing else. Figure i will just subscribe to tidal or Qbouz for the convenience, although anything appl conected is a plus. Will have a hard wire connection and decent wifi. I suppose i am most worried about how technology may change, and whether I should go R2R, but that rabbit hole started to make my head hurt.

If anyone has some opinions, either it wont work or seems like a solid approach, views are much appreciated.



I have the X1 Mini with upgraded PS and love it! I can only imagine how the higher up models must sound. 

I bought a Lumin D1 here on AG from someone upgrading to a T2, and he confirmed the upgrade was indeed worth it, as others have said. I plan on going that route shortly as the Lumin has been reliable and enjoyable to listen to. 

I work for software company and know a bit about UI/UX and the Lumin software is very dated and not very logical. But it's serviceable and the hardware is so good, I believe users just put up with it. 

i love my T-2. Qobuz is my music store. i have very weak skills with the computer and apps, and it's frustrating for me at times. when the music starts playing it's all worth it. i have a black T-2 and the finish is Beautiful. sofaman summed it up accurately for me.

Had Lumin T2 but used the USB output to a Yggdrasil DAC. Sounded better to me in the sense of R2R DAC in Yggy vs Delta Sigma DAC in T2. So I replaced T2 with Lumin U1 mini (with Sbooster PS) to Yggy. If you want flexibility U1 (or U1 mini) to DAC of your choice.

Sadly the U1 Mini is no more, same old story, can't get the parts. To clarify, the D2 has both a digital and analog output that can be selected in the app, specs below per the distributor:

BNC SPDIF: PCM 44.1kHz–192kHz, 16–24-bit,
DSD (DoP, DSD over PCM) 2.8MHz, 1-bit / DSD64

Hope this helps!