Best speakers around $130k?



Diesis, Alsyvox, and Bayz are all very room friendly speakers, more so than Wilson (in my opinion). To get the full potential of Wilson will take more time tweaking setup than any of the speakers mentioned above, yet all speakers benefit from careful setup. (Properly setup Wilsons will deliver a lot of sonic goodness no-doubt; the Alexx V are great speakers.) And while room treatment can & will help in most cases, having a room friendly speaker lessens the need and increases the WAF because you won’t have wall tampons and corner tampons everywhere.

Tidal speakers……..I’ve heard most of the speakers in that price range and ,imo,they are the best. I have had a Magic dealer in my home who thought my Tidals might be the best he has heard….

For that money you could get some horns integrally constructed as part of your dwelling. You wouldn‘t be the first.

Just think what all that extra wall cavitation would do to its thermal rating……..

I definitely don’t understand the Borressen recommendation.  I heard them a few times.  BRIGHT and artificial sounding and made with cheap Chinese cabinets.

Go audition Wilson Alex V, Rockport - forget the model & MBL.  Marten Coltrane speakers are also nice.