Anybody use a single ended component with one that is balanced?

I currently have a single ended pass xa25 amp which is excellent but am looking to upgrade to an arc balanced pre. I was told arc works best balanced but I will have to use the rcas.

Anybody been in a situation like this? Will I really be compromising the sound of the arc using it in single ended mode? I know there are people who prefer single ended.




Sounds NOTICEABLY better between my Cary preamp and Pass amp.  I have compared the two options extensively and everything (sound stage, dynamics, transparency) sounds better.  

Return them if it doesn't work out.  


FYI here is my neutrik adapter using the XLR cable from preamp, in this case neutrik female to male RCA.  

In the OP's case he would use a female XLR to female RCA at the preamp.  

In Some preamplifier,the left RCA and right RCA is very near and with this adapter,there is no enough space to mount  it on.

My way is order a RCA to xla cable,I do not receive the cable yet,and will tell when I try.

Just receive the RCA to XLR cable.  When I hooked on, the voice sound is a little small than my RCA to RCA cable, the instrument music is still loud. Totally speaking ,the sound is very beautiful, only  the mid sound a little weak. I do not know the reason, maybe need cable break in.   My amplifier right now is Audio Research VT100 Mk III.

By the way, I have balanced Pre( Audio research Ls25 Mk1 and Ls 25 Mk2),  but I do love this unbalanced pre(I rather do not tell),the sound is very beautiful.





After one hour listen,I give up.

If the power amplifier do not have the RCA socket,you better do couple with balanced pre.

Right now,I have 2 system

1, Audio Research LS25 MK2 + Audio Research REF 75se

2, RCA pre + audio research VT100 MKiii

If we are talking about the sound, I really prefer No.2 set,I can listen the whole day until I really need sleep.

For No.1, I do not have that feeling,and it is just start,I will see.