What makes the biggest difference in sound quality?

When making changes or adding things to your system, what makes the bigger difference in sound quality on preamp‘s and power amps? Interconnects, speaker cables, power cords, or fuses?

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@steakster  a well adjusted individual it seems. Eats meat. @nickatnoon61 someone who lives as a hermit. Does not eat meat. Hm.

To everyone who said power cords, or the AC chain as being the first part of your system to address after the basics, I agree in most cases. In the 90s when I was flying around the country on my beat to sign new dealers, the first thing I would do to blow them away, was connect a loom of the original AC Master Coupler to their reference system. This demo is how I placed Synergistic Research on the map.

Yours in music,

Ted Denney III

Lead Designer/CEO Synergistic Research Inc.