Accustic Arts

Does anybody have any experience with the new Drive 1-MK2 and the DAC 1-MK4? Your opinions please.

Docmark, I have posted here on the GON reviews of both the Drive 1-MK2 and Dac 1-MK4. Also you might find helpful a thread entitled, Reference DACS: An overall perspective, that contains information on Accustic Arts gear.
I've had my AA transport and dac for two days. I have been using the excellent ARC CD3 MKII as transport feeding an Audio Logic 24MXL DAC. I always felt that my digital front end was very, very good and decided to change just because of the hobby compulsion - I was not in the least bit unhappy with my setup. Within two minutes, I was floored by the improvement in dynamics, bass, and "presence" that was provided through the AA units. To me, the upgrade was well worth the price ( $13,500 - Stealth Sextet IC --very subjective). I don't know if AA is the very best - nobody can know - but they should be auditoned against the very best. My reference was ARC/AL so I can't say that the AA is better or worse than Esoteric/dCS/Meitner/Reimyo/etc. - but I can tell you that I am very satisfied with the sounds of these units, and it does not hurt that they are beautifully built, and built to last. You'll find the thread Teajay mentions and very interesting discussion on the digital state of the art. Is Vinyl better? I don't know anymore - this stuff satisfies me.
Congratulations Pubul57, you already had an excellent system, now with the addition of the Accustic Arts digital front end and the Placette Active linestage to your Cat amp and Merlin speakers you now have a "butt-kicking" reference level rig that will sound as good as anything else out there in the crazy world of high end gear. Enjoy the music, I'm sure you will!