Rogue Audio Atlas Magnum III Power Amplifier

I am thinking of purchasing above mentioned power amp. I have currently Parasound A21 and Focal Aria 936 speakers. Do you guys think it is a good decision? I am going from solid state to a tube amp. Got a Supratek Cabernet preamp. Thanks guys. 


I was reading Stereophile review, and it says that Output power is 100Wpc in Ultralinear mode and about 60Wpc in Triode. Will my Focal 936 handle 60WPC?  Sorry am a newbie when it comes to amplifiers. Also, can the amp take KT150 tubes? 


If you go with Rogue, get the Rogue ST-100 DARK version it’s better in the bass. Talk to Nick or Mark at Rogue Audio.


I've tried the Apollos in triode, they still have plenty of power that way (150 Watts into my 96dB speakers) but the sonics just don't do it for me. I prefer ultralinear every time. The triode mode gains you like 1% worth of a sweeter midrange, at the expense of significant bass power, slam, and dynamics. IMO the Rogue amps sound like they're supposed to in ultralinear. If you want a super sweet lush tube amp, these aren't that.

And no, you definitely should NOT use KT150 in any Rogue amps. Even in amps that can use them (like my VACs) I think they will not sound good unless the amp was designed specifically for that tube. They sounded bad in my VACs.


I noticed minimal to no difference running the ST 100 in triode with my Harbeth speakers.  seems to be mirrored by other Stereo 100 users.  

Stick to ultralinear.