HELP with Vandersteen 2ci speakers

Need help with a set of Vandersteeen 2ci speakers. The issue I have is that to my ears I have to turn the voulme dial on my preamp to at least 9:30 or 10:00 to get any real volume out of them? Im not looking to blast them but I do like a nice amount of volume. I have to turn the volume to at least 7:00 to get anything above a very low whisper. I know they are somewhat hard to drive but im powering them with a set of Electron Kinetics Eagle 400 mono blocks which are putting out 350 watts each? Mono blocks have been serviced and tested and are up to snuff. Any help is greatly apreciated.

First of all there's something that at least I miss:

1. What kind of preamp?
2. Where's the initial lowest volume setting? 6:00? noon? 3:00?

Otherwise I wouldn't understand how far you're turning your volume knob. If you turn it on maximum or connect your fixed volume source directly to an amp you have you'll probably get EXTREAMLY LOUD even on quiet passages.
If you still get your signal low either preamp or amp is at fault.
Many volume pots sound best in the middle of their range. I wouldn't be too concerned unless you can't get the volume you want out of the combination.
Perhaps if you thought of the volume control as a brake rather than an accelerator you might be less concerned?
still don't getit weather there's or there's no problem in the system. is there mute switch on preamp??