Accustic Arts

Does anybody have any experience with the new Drive 1-MK2 and the DAC 1-MK4? Your opinions please.

I know of someone who I consider to be very knowledgeable with regard to music reproducion particularly vinyl playback who has tried the Halcyonic device and the Minus k in addition to several others, and he feels that the Minus k for a lot less money was actualy superior on his turntables.Others have also noted that the Minus k has special qualties on analog. I hope to find out for myself in the future, but the cost of the Halcyonic is a strong deterrent.
Srouse, I am a believer that most everything varies depending on ones system. I see no reason why a spring unit would equal the Halcyonics active isolation, but it would be great to have to spend less money. I have never had a Minus K unit but do know the benefits of the Halcyonic on at least the Shindo turntable. Unfortunately, I only have two and have found the Halcyonic under the amp is of such benefit that I cannot take it off to go back under the turntable.

Initially, I demurred on the reviewer's comment that one could put two components, one on top the other, on the Halcyonics as that was not my experience with the Esoteric X-01 LE and the Exemplar dac. But I put both my Accustic Arts Dac Mk IV and Drive 1 Mk II on the Halcyonics with incredibly better results.

I had a recent experience with the importance of the direction of fuses. Brian Ackerman had mentioned that the IsoClean fuses I was ordering should go in the opposite directions for the Dac and Drive 1. When I got the fuses I thought I was following his direct, but really had them reversed. I listened for one day with them backward and thought the sound was modestly better. Then yesterday, I learned that the fuse in the Dac is to face outwards not inwards. I changed both unit, and can honestly say I was shocked at how important direction was.

Since Lloyd Walker long ago suggested that I change the direction of the fuse on his turntable controller and I found him right, I have bothered to find which way is best. On the Accustic Arts it is greater than on anything else I have experimented with. I strongly recommend that you try which ever fuse you are using both ways. And if you have the good fortune to have the IsoCleans, do point the direction arrow out from the Dac and in from the Drive One.
Tbg was there that much of a difference once you put the IsoClean fuses in?

What was the noticeable difference?

I actually have not yet tried changing any fuses yet.

Ron the guy I met recently told me if I wanted a good bang for my buck was to get some HiFi Tuning fuses, he said he that he prefered them over the IcoClean fuses.

I have not tried either as of yet so I don't know.

Anyone else who has tried these fuses or any others if you could describe the benefits over the stock L-cheapos that are standard in the units.

Teajay have you changed these fuses?

I have heard that the Halcyonics is suppose to be great isolation platform so I can only imagine the improvement you must be getting from using them.

How many hours do you have on your "AA" pieces now?

Are you enjoying them?
Dev, I have only tried one HiFi Tuning fuse relative to the IsoCleans. It may have been that the IsoClean had been in use for some time before the HiFi Tunings became available, but I thought the HiFi Tuning was little different from the original fuses. The IsoClean sound more authoritative especially in the bass, if it is inserted in the right direction. Also the top end is more accurate on brass in particular.

Yes, the IsoCleans make a very noticable improvement, again if insert in the right direction.

My Accustic Arts pieces have nearly two weeks on them.
The AA is the best I have heard. Has someone auditoned or own the AA and found something better? If there is something better, and if someone has come to that conclusion after hearing the AA, I liked to know. Sort of ridiculous to call $13,000 worth of equipment as a great deal, but in the SOTA realm, these things seem to be a screaming "deal". But, I'm open to other opionions. What is clear to me is that anyone seeking the best should at least be familar with the AA studd - it is that food IMHO.