Remote Maintenance

So here's a topic I haven't seen covered. How do you maintain your remotes? With all the gidgets, gadgets and gizmos we have, they all seem to have a remote. 9v, AAA, AA batteries in everything. Do you have a regular battery replacement plan, do you just check once in a while or do you wait until they stop working altogether and then replace batteries? And what about those leakers?


Gee, and I thought I was bad! LOL, thanks for the responses. Look forward to more.

I’ve maybe had one glitchy remote in my life. On the battery thing, when they die. Dropping is bad, so I try to avoid that, particularly on ceramic tile. Oh, and I put little rubber feet on them so they are isolated from vibration… ;-)

I use specialized springs so when dropped they spring back up. You need quick reflexes to catch them on the way up.😀