Dev, I hope we are all unique individuals. You say I am a very negative individual. I take exceptions to some of your negative posts, such as focussing endlessly on the listing of a dealer who doesn't respond by H-Cat or it being a "joke" or the supposed changes in the Accustic Arts Drive One's remote and suggesting changes within, "The information that I received was there were some changes within the actual unit along with a brand new remote design. I didn't really dig any further to find out because this all seems to be kept as a secret just like other manufactures do. There a name they call it but for some reason I just can't remember what it is."
I don't know why you get on these wild hairs. Sometimes your posts are informative, especially when no one challenges your observations, but you are certainly not all knowing as you sometimes seem to believe.
I don't know why you get on these wild hairs. Sometimes your posts are informative, especially when no one challenges your observations, but you are certainly not all knowing as you sometimes seem to believe.