Accustic Arts

Does anybody have any experience with the new Drive 1-MK2 and the DAC 1-MK4? Your opinions please.

Dev, I hope we are all unique individuals. You say I am a very negative individual. I take exceptions to some of your negative posts, such as focussing endlessly on the listing of a dealer who doesn't respond by H-Cat or it being a "joke" or the supposed changes in the Accustic Arts Drive One's remote and suggesting changes within, "The information that I received was there were some changes within the actual unit along with a brand new remote design. I didn't really dig any further to find out because this all seems to be kept as a secret just like other manufactures do. There a name they call it but for some reason I just can't remember what it is."

I don't know why you get on these wild hairs. Sometimes your posts are informative, especially when no one challenges your observations, but you are certainly not all knowing as you sometimes seem to believe.

Dev, Tbg has a VERY nice system, and is well respected. You might want to rethink your postion. LOL

Playtheblues, no disrespect but please. Well respected by who? Obviously he must be a buddy of yours which is alright but if you had false allegations made towards you, you should also reply.

If Tbg is using a H-CAT pre any credibility he had is gone and when he personally attacks individuals making false accusations please that only tells me of the type of person he is.

On Gon people try to inform others with their own experiences and don't need the sarcasm that he seems to so often give.

When I listen to some one's system and refer to it as being "Very nice" I'm only being nice when it's actually only mediocre and not a top contender which is alright.
Tbg you wrote;

"I don't know why you get on these wild hairs. Sometimes your posts are informative, especially when no one challenges your observations, but you are certainly not all knowing as you sometimes seem to believe."

I personally don't have anything against you but please how can you say such you don't know me; you obviously were not aware of the two "AA" transports. You seem to be so sensitive when individuals refer to product, it's only product get a grip. You can "challenge me" as you put it any day and if I can answer your question I will but making allegations like suggesting buying "grey market product" etc. is wrong on your part.

I'm the type of person that prefers to try and inform and help others.

So enjoy as I am.
Dev, now more than ever I stick with what I have said about you. You are anything but a person that prefers to try and inform and help others. You just don't want others to note that you have no clothing on. I cannot help you to see what you are but hopefully others can see that you have need to lash out at others with opinions different from yours for what ever reason.

I would be interested in hearing the Oracle transport, but I must admit that your recommendation taints it as I suspect you favor it because you are the first person to do so. I well remember your begrudingly liking the Accustic Arts because you had not discovered it.

I have no idea what you mean about not being aware of the two AA transports. Long ago I owned the original Drive One and knew well that I was buying the mk II as I knew I was buying the new mk IV Dac. You are so off the wall that half the time I at least have difficulty understanding what you are talking about.

Many do not bother with AA or Audiogon because of the caliber of people who post. I have tried to express my experiences as I think presently we have limited opportunities to audition new products. Everything I have said should always be take with the warning that your experience may differ. The H-Cat is an example. There are at least 40 people out there that love what they are hearing with their P-12R but don't need to deal with the likes of you who has never even bothered to listen to it and instead goes on and on about a dealer who did not respond to you.

I have no idea what "So enjoy as I am" means but please do.