The New Synergistic Research Purple Fuses

This thread is intended for those who are actually using the new SR Purple Fuses. In my system, they are a significant improvement over the SR Orange fuses. What are your impressions? 

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@lucapelliccioli  --- I am not in EU, but here in US, it will practically be zero issues with getting a 3.15A fuse for something that has a 3.00A original fuse. 


thank you for your opinion.

as mentioned before, the engineering team of the manufacturer PS Audio informed me by email TO NOT USE OTHER THAN 3A.

In power plant in particular.

they did communicate very clearly,



SR fuse tolerances are VERY tight. Much more so than standard off the shelf fuses. We have never had a complaint that they did not blow when protection was needed. in fact if we are getting complaints, it’s that they are more protective than standard fuses. That said, I will look into building a 3 amp fuse but honestly I cannot imagine our 3.15 amp fuse not blowing when an off the shelf 3 amp fuse blows. Still, it’s always best to go with manufacturers recommendations regarding fuse values.

Thank you Ted,

I appreciate so much your kind answer.

Awaiting news from you as soon as possible, meanwhile happy new year. During these days we must all stay safe with our families, listening to music why not.