Value of adding Vandersteen Sub 3's with M5-HP high pass filters to Treo CTs?

Wondering if anyone has added the Vandersteen Sub 3's and M5 high pass filters to an existing system that includes Vandersteen Treo CT speakers? Seems like an expensive add (~$6000 +/-) and I'm wondering if my dough could be put to better use elsewhere (streamer upgrade, tonearm and/or TT upgrade).  Currently running McCormack DNA 0.5 monoblocks modified by Steve and Patrick spring 2021, McCormack TLC pre modified in the last 12 months, VPI Prime Scout TT with stock arm and Hana ML cart, AudioMagic Tubador SE III DAC and Aurender N100 streamer. Mostly vinyl, mostly acoustic jazz and vocals of the 50s and 60s (Blue Note, Impulse, etc) with some occasional rock n roll.  Thanks for your help!

Thanks Jim, have decided to upgrade cart first (Hana Umami) and save to upgrade TT and the add subs.  Playing the longer game.....and I have joined the Vandy forum as well. Good advice. Thanks again.

FWIIW I have used the crossovers >10 years with a Vandersteen 2W sub/Maggie 3.6's.  I use two since I have Manley mono block amps.  This fall I sent them in to have the 9v batteries replaced for north of 100.00.  I also have the Umami Red carttridge on a Basis Audio/Vector 4 combination if that matters any.  I remember describing to my dealer an increase in bass definition when compared with an inexpensive  fixed crossover I was using.  They do provide settings to let you "dial in" the bass a little.  They were no where near the 6K price you mention when I bought them.  I agree with your source decision.

@xagwell the  $6k would be for two model 3 subwoofers w 11 band EQ and the M5 high pass filters. There are more than a few Maggie dealers who also carry Vandersteen and understand the value of high passing the panels and integrating a fast sub, as you have done ;-)
