What's a reasonable listening position response curve?

Taking room accoustics into account, what is an acceptable frequency response curve? What plus and minus dB is considered acceptable? Can you share yours.


I agree a flat line response would be magnificent, but I doubt it's even achievable in a room. 

I'm interested in what others have been able to acheive and I'd love to see their graphs.

My feeling is that digital EQ is not even worth considering if you are serious about music and a graphic equlaizer is superior, although it generally only has 31 bands, so it's somewhat limited in what can be achieved.

@millercarbon :

Remember, sound quality is 110% entirely determined by frequency response. 

Are you serious??






Um yeah. Your system should measure flat to within .01dB or it will be unlistenable. EQ does not alter sound except to make it perfect. I am totally serial.🙄

Is that the eye-roll? I can never figure out which one is the eye-roll.

Theory is great, but we should be considering what's achievable in our listening rooms.