Someone got me in touch with Joel, who told me he would compare the Classic Remix to the One today. We'll need to make contact by tomorrow to complete a sale before the increase.
How Is Pathos Audio Service After The Sale In The US?
I'm searching for a new hybrid integrated amp. One that is on my radar is a new Classic One Mk III. Another is a McIntosh MA252. There are local McIntosh dealers. There are no Pathos dealers. So I'd probably end up ordering one from Upscale Audio if I were to get a Classic One.
Sound, of course, is the number one priority. I'm going to audition the MA252 with my speakers. But I am curious about the Classic One. I may end up preferring it to the MA252 (as some in this forum have said they do).
But I'm concerned about after-sales service. It's obvious that getting service on a McIntosh shouldn't be an issue (even though I'm a little leery of how long the OLED panel will last, and getting service on that in the future, if need be). But Pathos??
I'm coming from a Unison Research Unico that recently died. A really good tech spent 12 hours on it and couldn't figure out how to revive it. And what matters worse was the breaking down of support from Unison Research in Italy. The original owner and designer of the brand died last year, and since the son took over, communication to the US importer hasn't been good, so the importer dropped the brand.
If I were to get a Pathos Classic One and decide to keep it, I'm wondering how good service will be, with the need to ship it back to Upscale Audio (The importer had been Musical Surroundings for a while, and now it's Upscale Audio). I'd hate to have a problem with the unit, and then have an issue with support.
Can anyone share their experience(s) with after-sales support in the US.