Best speakers around $130k?



Somebody said buy some Maggies give the rest to charity... aside from what another contributor said Alzyvox Botticelli are a different world from Maggies, the second part of the statement is a good one. When you get to the pearly-gates, the giving to charity part might be your salvation. :-)

But yes, I like the comments regarding the Alsyvox. A panel unlike any you might have heard before. Did I mention the deep, controlled, tone-full bass?

And the Bayz, yeah, I wish they made coffee. I think ocean liner anchor-chain, but I get the band-saw, drill press comments too. You should hear them if you get a chance, they'll knock your socks off. Really quite something! (The image below shows the smaller Courante 2.0 model. I have the big CounterPoint model enroute from Hungary... in matte black.)


As Bob and others have stated, it is the OPs prerogative as to how they spend their hard-earned capital. It is unbecoming of those on an audio forum to be pejorative or cast aspersions on those who choose to spend what said folks deem as excessive. It is no one's right to tell anyone how to spend their money. In the end, this type of communication detracts from enjoyable discourse. And it certainly is not civil when conducted on an internet forum. Let civility reign.

My friends and I heard the Botticellis at an audio show.   Playing bass clarinet low notes, they were astounding.  The trio played was superb.   Unfortunately, they underpowered them for bigger jazz.  We must go to the showroom to audition them with orchestral, big band, opera and rock to see how they handle complex instrumentation with dynamics.   Otherwise, fabulous sound, better than Maggies.

just because a speaker is expensive has no meaning as to the level of fidelity. Fidelity, pure, neutral, natural, no coloratin, no resonances, no fq spikes, no fatigue, Just only reflects EXACTLY how the recording was made in the studio/symphony hall.

As close to the actual perfomance as technically possible within limits of science.

I’ve found vintage just don;’t cut the mustard, They are all colored with resonances.

The only speakers that I know that qualify for fidelity as horns and FR.

xover types are not in the same league.

They all have issues.

What amzaes me is that some  audiophiles will continue to hold on to old memories of vintage speakers and believe they sound *fantastic*.


The Wilson Benesch Cardinal would be on my list of speakers to consider if I was shopping at this level.