Single Ended vs Balanced Output Gain

I run an ARC Ref 3SE phono with VAC Sig Mkll SE pre and VAC Phi 200 monos; the gain in the phono is 6 dB less in Single Ended  compared to Balanced; the pre specs show no difference in output gain Single Ended vs Balanced; the gain in the amps is 6 dB greater Single Ended compared to Balanced.  Why the difference in output gain between the two?  Is this typical on pre and amps that have both Single Ended and Balanced Outputs?


In my case, I listen vocal Jazz 99%, I want a low voice most of the time as I do not want to disturb kids learning.

I want the singer voice outstanding among all sound.

Never mind that the recording was made using balanced connections!

Post removed 

Make things simple,what I talked about  is real XLR amplifier port and RCA port.

It is real circuit inside the machine.

Now on first time,I really  feel the taste of  the  amplifier, the tone of the amplifier is so important,which I can not change anything,even the cable.

My pre is Rega Cursa 3 ,or Audio research LS25 MK2

Cursa 3 is RCA only

LS25 MK2 has XLR or RCA

My power amplifier is Audio Research VT100 MKIII, or REF 75se

VT100MKiii have rca and xlr

REF 75se is XLR only

When I listen to vocal Jazz,the only good result is 

Cursa 3 + Vt100 MKiii with rca connection.

I try rca to XLR cable with VT100 MKiii XLR port or REF 75se

the sound becomes different.

The only ok result is LS25MKii + REF 75se,but not good result,the sound is much modern,the jazz I listen is not like the jazz in the nigh club, but a group youth people dancing  on the stage. 

That let me think of conrad johnson fans,they stick to rca connection and do not affect they enjoy the music. If some one said the XLR is so advanced,It is nothing to me here. I can not listen over 1 hours with XLR connection while I can listen as long as I have time with  Cursa 3+ VT100 MKiii RCA connection.

My speaker is focal 905,which is not expensive,but very very good.