I am thinking of getting Nordost Valhalla speaker

Any opinion on Nordost vs siltech or others.
Thanks everyone, yes I soon could switch to Valhalla ,
Just speaker cable first, then ic later.
Had Valhalla i think STEALTH V10 speaker cable much better more dynamic quieter etc.
I can remember thinking to myself when I had the Valhalla interconnects and speaker cables in my system for auditioning .... "there is no way I'm letting this stuff out of the system" ... that was 6 years ago and to this day they have still remained the best for me and my system.
Ive tried so many and just switched to a 3M set of BiWire Valhalla that I picked up in a great local deal. They are about 20% better than the new Frey 2 IMO. Incredible speaker cable that beat anything I have ever owned..