Wow! I didn’t such a response. To recap alot of responses into one. First off I don’t only listen to rap, but I’m in my 30’s and if it can’t properly blast the music I grew up listening to what’s the point? Also I apologize it was late, I could’ve wrote a better post. I’ll edit it as such
current;y Im running them in a semi treated room 9 2x4 panels along back and back corner walls. Just moved in and getting it set up.
‘current rig is Conrad Johnson Premier 16, Am running Parasound JC1’s (That I’m not keeping) which are doing a better job than the levinson 332 that really wasn’t cutting the mustard
the problem im running into is the bass just gives out on them and they just sound like their gonna break or start breaking up at least once im hitting an average of 77-80db. I was hitting 87db avg. without an issue ever. I’m listening in the low 70’s. I was getting hit with a solid wave of impact not quite the maxilla guy… previous room was 11x17, 2.5x is a massive jump….
I had been thinking of something like Dunlavy SCVI, JBL K2, PBN’s, TAD, hadn’t thought of Meyer, it’s a great thought.
tomic you have great advice sir.